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Reader's Discretion Advised

...this confuses me. So...it's like tumblr...for books?

Either way, I'm mainly on Goodreads. I do occasionally come here, and also do periodically import my shelves from GR here, but GR is a more sure bet for contacting me.

Stony Fics - Sorta Halloween edition (4/?)

...and by Halloween edition, I only mean "with some zombie-AU fics


Part 1

Part two

Part Three


http://archiveofourown.org/works/2525303 (Beach. Sandcastles. Floofity Floof Floof)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1410883/ (more zombies. A more fleshed out fic, kind of confusing in its formatting [or maybe that was the 1AM and goddamn annoying downstairs neighbors who are still blasting music and smoking weed], but still interesting. It is a movie-based AU, so make of it what you will)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1138051 (gorgeousness and gorgeosity. much amaze, such great, wow.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2531864 (even more zombie-fic. Guess it's a Halloween thing. This one's a bit harder to swallow for me [the whole "Me Tony" bit and Nat getting pregnant, etc], and the ending is kind of abrupt, but there's a mini coda in the end note)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2033628 (This one is so much great fluff. Wordsplat is fast becoming one of my fave Marvel fic writers)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/674426 (hey, look, more Stony zombie stuff. Shit, this one's bleak, though. Okay, fuck, you know what, I just finished this, and it is really goddamn fucking bleak. Like NOOOOO HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU??? bleak. Shit, son. It's well-written, sure, but bleak as hell. I'm just going to sit here a while and think about how unacceptable this was.)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/381610 (a sorta zombie-verse/cannibal-AU mix. The only really stupid thing I see is the idea that Tony's labs are in the basement in the Tower. Okay, sure, maybe he ALSO has labs in the basement, but if his living quarters are way up at the top, why the shit would his lab be all the way at the bottom? Imagine the commute time! Far too long, even with superfast elevators)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/459176 (There is so much wtf in this series i don't even. but it's still amusing)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/420891 (more apocalypse stuff. ft superfamily, plus Avengers)